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Star Trek: The Compendium

Amazon - Star Trek The Compendium

Titre: Star Trek: The Compendium
Média: Blu-ray
Année: 2009-2013
Réalisateur: J.J. Abrams
Studio: Paramount
Genre: Science-fiction
Durée: 126 mins / 131 mins
Date de parution: 2014-09-09
Acteurs Chris Pine
Zachary Quinto
Leonard Nimoy
Eric Bana
Bruce Greenwood
Karl Urban
Zoe Saldana
Simon Pegg
John Cho, Anton Yelchin, Ben Cross, Winona Ryder
Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Morrison et Rachel Nicho
Piste(s) sonore(s) Portugais 5.1 (Star Trek into Darkness)
Anglais DTS-HD 5.1
Anglais DTS-HD 7.1
Français 5.1
Espagnol 5.1
Sous-titre(s) Français
format d'image(s) Panoramique 2:40
Code CUP: 032429200709
Supplement(s) Voir plus bas

Star Trek

Au XXIIIe siècle, un garçon de l'Iowa, James T. Kirk, est repéré par le capitaine Pike, qui l'inscrit à l'académie Starfleet. Disqualifié sous des accusations de tricherie, Kirk, aidé de son ami McCoy, se joint illégalement à l'équipage de cadets du nouveau vaisseau interstellaire Enterprise. Le jeune rebelle entre aussitôt en conflit avec Spock, un métisse humain-vulcain. Kirk découvre bientôt que Nero, Romulien mégalomane qui a jadis causé la mort de ses parents, menace de détruire Vulcain, la planète natale de Spock. L'Enterprise doit impérativement intercepter cet intrus venu du futur avant qu'il ne s'en prenne à la Terre.

Star Trek into Darkness

Démis de ses fonctions de capitaine de l'Entreprise suite à une bévue qui a malgré tout permis de sauver la vie de Spock, le Capitaine Kirk est assigné à l'enquête sur un attentat terroriste perpétré par John Harrison, un ancien membre de Starfleet, à Londres. Pour rattraper le fugitif, l'équipage de l'Entreprise se rend dans le territoire Klingon, où le moindre faux pas pourrait causer une guerre intergalactique. Une fois capturé, John Harrison révèle à Kirk des informations vitales pour la survie de l'équipage du vaisseau, ainsi que sa véritable identité. 

Voici la liste des suppléments :

Disc 1

·       Star Trek in high definition

·       Commentary by J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof and Roberto Orci

Disc 2

·       To Boldly Go Taking on the world’s most beloved science fiction franchise was no small mission. Director J.J. Abrams, writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof, and executive producer Bryan Burk talk about the many challenges they faced and their strategy for success.

o   Branching Pods:

§  The Shatner Conundrum

§  Red Shirt Guy

§  The Green Girl

§  Trekker Alert!

·       Casting The producers knew their greatest task was finding the right cast to reprise these epic roles. The cast, for their part, talk about the experience of trying to capture the essence of these mythic characters. The piece concludes with a moving tribute to Leonard Nimoy.

·       A New Vision— J.J. Abrams’ vision was not only to create a Star Trek that was a bigger, more action-packed spectacle, but also to make the spectacle feel real.  Every aspect of production—from unique locations to the use of classic Hollywood camera tricks—was guided by this overall objective.

o   Branching Pods:

§  Savage Pressure

·       Starships—Abrams and production designer Scott Chambliss were careful to pay tribute to the design of the original Enterprise, but they also wanted to make it futuristic and cool for a modern audience. This chapter focuses on the unique stories behind the creation of the film’s starships.

o   Branching Pods:

§  Warp Explained

§  Paint Job

§  Bridge Construction Accelerated

§  The Captain’s Chair

§  Button Acting 101

§  Narada Construction Accelerated

§  Shuttle Shuffle

·       Aliens— Designers Neville Page and Joel Harlow talk about the hurdles they faced creating new alien species, recreating the Romulans and Vulcans, and designing the terrifying creatures on Delta Vega for the new Star Trek.

o   Branching Pods:

§  The Alien Paradox

§  Big-Eyed Girl

§  Big Bro Quinto

§  Klingons

§  Drakoulias Anatomy 101

·       Planets From the frozen landscape of Delta Vega to the desert plains of Vulcan, Scott Chambliss and the art department had a number of radically different planets to create. Abrams’ desire to shoot on real locations whenever possible led the production team to a number of strange and surprising locations.

o   Branching Pods:

§  Extra Business

§  Confidentiality

·       Props and Costumes— Property master Russell Bobbitt had the unique challenge of designing props that were both true to the original series and pertinent to today’s technology.  Likewise, costume designer Michael Kaplan talks about how he designed costumes that paid homage to what came before yet were relevant and timeless.

o   Branching Pods:

§  Klingon Wardrobe

·       Ben Burtt and the Sounds of Star Trek When famed sound designer Ben Burtt was hired to create sounds for the first Star Wars film, he took his inspiration from the original “Star Trek” series. Burtt jumped at the opportunity to pay tribute to the sounds that sparked his career with the sounds he created for the new Star Trek.

·       Score As a fan of the original series, composer Michael Giacchino embraced the challenge of creating new music for Star Trek while preserving the spirit of Alexander Courage’s celebrated theme. 

·       Gene Roddenberry’s Vision J.J. Abrams, Leonard Nimoy, previous Star Trek writers and producers, and scientific consultant Carolyn Porco describe and commend the optimistic and enduring vision of Gene Roddenberry. 

·       Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary

·       Starfleet Vessel Simulator—Explore extensive data on the U.S.S. Enterprise and the Romulan ship, the Narada. Submerse yourself in breathtaking 360° views and close-ups and review detailed tech information.

·       Gag Reel

·       Trailers


Disc 3

·       Star Trek Into Darkness IMAX Version in high definition

·       Enhanced Commentary


Disc 4

·       The Voyage Begins…Again – Go behind-the-scenes as filming begins on the next StarTrek adventure.

·       Creating the Red Planet – Experience the creation of a never-before-seen alien world, as featured in the action-packed opening sequence of the film.

·       Introducing the Villain

·       Rebuilding the Enterprise – See the design and construction of a bigger, interconnected Enterprise set.

·       National Ignition Facility: Home of the Core – Location shooting at the National Ignition Facility.

·       Attack on Starfleet – Go behind the scenes with the cast and filmmakers and witness the creation of the shocking attack on Starfleet Headquarters.

·       Aliens Encountered – The design and application of alien makeup.

·       The Klingon Home World – Discover the stunning world of Kronos, and see how the filmmakers reinvented the Klingons for a new generation.

·       The Enemy of My Enemy – Find out how, and why, the identity of the film’s true villain was kept a mystery to the very end.

·       Vengeance is Coming – A comprehensive look at the design and production surrounding the black ship.

·       Ship to Ship – An in-depth and thrilling look at the filming of the iconic space jump sequence, which both defied the laws of physics and pushed the limits of visual effects.

·       Mr. Spock and Mr. Spock – Leonard Nimoy makes a cameo appearance and reflects on his history with Trek.

·       Down with the Ship – Discover the stunt & VFX work involved to make the Enterprise roll over.

·       Kirk and Spock – Explore the dynamic relationship between the film’s heroes.

·       Brawl by the Bay – Sit in with Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch as they revisit their intense preparation for the film’s breathtaking climax.

·       Continuing the Mission – An inspiring look at the partnership between the film’s crew and the organization that assists returning veterans to find meaningful ways to contribute on the home front.

·       Unlocking the Cut – A discussion with the film editors about their monumental task.

·       The Sounds of Music (and FX) – A discussion with film composer Michael Giacchino and sound designer Ben Burtt.

·       Visual Affection – A comprehensive look at the creation and implementation of visual effects.

·       Safety First – A prank pulled on the cast.

·       Theatrical Trailers

·       Deleted Scenes

·       NEW! Gag Reel

·       NEW! Fitting the Future—A look at the film’s out-of-this-world costumes.

·       NEW! Property of Starfleet—Sourcing and tracking the film’s myriad props. 


Visionnez la critique:

Cette critique a été faite par Sébastien le 2014-09-18



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