Lisez vos BD, comics, mangas sur votre Nintendo Switch

Izneo, est une plateforme spécialisée en ligne permettant de lire des BD, comics et mangas. Disponible depuis peu sur Nintendo Switch, elle donne accès à une sélection de 3200 albums à lire en illimité via un abonnement mensuel.
Retrouvez vos héros préférés avec izneo :
- Les plus grands mangas : My Hero Academia, Edens Zero, The Promised Neverland, One Piece, Entre toi et moi, Cœur de Hérisson, L’Attaque des Titans, Fairy Tail, Attache-moi…
- Du contenu Webtoon exclusif avec Azalaïs, Body for Rent, Cocoon of the Heart, Sex Runner..
- Le meilleur de la BD : Largo Winch, Lucky Luke, Spirou et Fantasio, Astérix, Gaston Lagaffe, Thorgal, Lanfeust, l’Incal…
- Les BD jeunesses les plus drôles : les Profs, les Rugbymen, les Nombrils, Gaston, Rose Écarlate, Les Sisters, les Schtroumpfs, Boule & Bill, Marsupilami…
- Vos comics préférés : The Walking Dead, Saga, Star Wars, Kick-Ass, Deadpool, Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Man, Hellboy…
Visitez le eShop de Nintendo pour vous procurer l’application.
Visitez le site Izneo.
Voici le communiqué (en anglais) :
Los Angeles, 28th of February 2019 – izneo, the number one platform for digital Comic books, European Comics, Mangas and webtoons is now available on the Nintendo Switch. Thanks to izneo, Nintendo Switch owners can now access their favorite digital content anywhere at anytime! The rich izneo catalog can be displayed on the portable console screen on the go and enjoyed on the big screen of a tv in dock mode.
Izneo offers more than 30,000 books in a vast array of genres. Rich with European comics due to the company’s origin, the platform also features an ever growing number of US Comics, Mangas, Graphic Novels and Webtoons. This is the perfect opportunity to discover new artists and stories like the Netflix sensation Umbrella Academy as well as catching up with the classics like Hellboy, Tank Girl, Sin City, Lucky Luke, Doctor Who, Assassin’s Creed and Appleseed to name a few!
Readers can either purchase individual books or subscribe to izneo premium and get unlimited access to 1,500+ books from renowned publishers like Europe Comics, Dark Horse, IDW, Dynamite Entertainment, Archie and Lion Forge Comics for only $7.99 a month. By downloading the content on their system’s memory, users can then enjoy reading books without a permanent internet connection. Izneo is road trip ready!
“With the launch of our platform on the Nintendo Switch, izneo is reaching a new phase of its development. We are offering more content in the English language than ever before for every genre of our catalog and we’re not going to stop anytime soon” Luc Bourcier, CEO of Izneo said. “Our first goal was to make the digital comic books accessible on the go. The Nintendo Switch versatility, enjoyable either in a nomad way or connected to a TV, introduced us to a new way of enjoying our digital content on a big screen. We are happy to be part of the very few non gaming application on the console”.
Highest quality digital comic books
Innovative reader with the exclusive panel by panel reading mode Eazycomics
Unmatched variety including the innovative Korean webtoons
Cross platform content access (computer, smartphone, tablet, console and soon Android based connected TVs..)