Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Magical Movie Mode) en Blu-ray et DVD prochainement

Afin de célébrer son 20e anniversaire, Warner Bros annonce pour le 17 août 2021, le film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Magical Movie Mode) en Blu-ray et DVD. Réalisé par Chris Columbus, il met en vedette Daniel Radcliffe, Robbie Coltrane, Richard Harris, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felton et Maggie Smith.
Une piste sonore anglaise avec des sous-titres en anglais seront disponibles.
Synopsis :
Harry Potter, un jeune orphelin, est élevé par son oncle Vernon et sa tante Pétunia qui le détestent. Alors qu’il était haut comme trois pommes, ces derniers lui ont raconté que ses parents étaient morts dans un accident de voiture.Le jour de son onzième anniversaire, Harry reçoit la visite inattendue d’un homme gigantesque se nommant Rubeus Hagrid. Celui-ci lui révèle qu’il est en fait le fils de deux puissants magiciens et qu’il possède lui aussi d’extraordinaires pouvoirs.C’est avec joie que le garçon accepte de suivre des cours à Poudlard, la célèbre école de sorcellerie. Il a enfin la chance de se faire des amis. Blâmé par le professeur Severus Rogue qui lui enseigne les potions et protégé par Albus Dumbledore, le directeur de l’établissement, Harry va tenter d’élucider le mystère de la pierre philosophale.
Le premier disque contiendra la version théâtrale tandis que le second disque concernant le Magical Movie Mode. Ce dernier est un mode interactif permettant de découvrir des anecdotes de la production du premier film, des scènes supprimées, des quiz testant nos connaissance sur un vaste éventail de sujets du film, ainsi que des segments visuels et audios pendant certaines scènes du film.
Voici la bande-annonce :
Voici le communiqué (en anglais) :
BURBANK, CA, July 13, 2021 – Warner Bros. Home Entertainment announced today that the 2001 beloved family film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone will be released on Digital, Blu-ray and DVD with Magical Movie Mode, a new and exciting way to experience the timeless modern classic. Magical Movie Mode will be released on August 17 to celebrate the magical adventure film’s 20th anniversary.
The Harry Potter Magical Movie Mode is a wondrous new way to experience Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, allowing fans the ability to discover filmmaking secrets, spell incantations, creatures, magical artifacts, trivia, and more in this enchanting collection of fun activities and curiosities. Let the magic begin!
The Wizarding World is recognized as one of the world’s best-loved franchises and represents a vast, interconnected world which touches all aspects of Harry Potter fans’ lives.
Today it encompasses bestselling novels, blockbuster Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films, a multi award-winning stage play, innovative products and apparel, state-of-the-art video and mobile games, unique retail experiences and live entertainment – including world-class Universal theme parks, exhibitions, the popular Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter attraction, and two new virtual reality experiences at Harry Potter New York.
Magical Movie Mode includes director’s commentary from Chris Columbus offering candid insight and amusing anecdotes from the production of the first film, deleted scenes, quizzes testing your potent knowledge of a vast array of topics from the film, graphics and audio during select scenes in the film draw you further into Harry’s world, and much more!
Harry Potter finds out he is the orphaned son of two wizards and embarks on an amazing journey. During his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry learns he is destined for great things and discovers a Dark wizard is determined to destroy him.
The Blu-ray 2-disc set of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Magical Movie Mode will be available for $19.98 SRP and includes the theatrical film and the Magical Movie Mode version of the film in high definition. It will also be available on DVD as a 2-disc set for $16.98 SRP and includes the theatrical film and Magical Movie Mode version of the film in standard definition. The film will also be available on Digital on participating digital platforms where you purchase movies.
Blu-ray and DVD Street Date: August 17
DVD Languages: English
BD Languages: English
DVD Subtitles: Latin Spanish, English SDH, Korean, Complex Chinese
BD Subtitles: Latin Spanish, English SDH, Complex Chinese
Running Time: 162 minutes
Rating: Rated PG-13 for some Scary Moments and Mild Language
Blu-ray: DLBY/DGTL
About Wizarding World
In the years since Harry Potter was whisked from King’s Cross Station onto Platform nine and three quarters, his incredible adventures have left a unique and lasting mark on popular culture based on the original stories by J.K. Rowling. Eight blockbuster Harry Potter films have brought the magical stories to life and today, the Wizarding World is recognized as one of the world’s best-loved franchises.
Representing a vast interconnected universe, it also includes two epic Fantastic Beasts films, (the third releasing in 2022), Harry Potter & The Cursed Child – the multi-award-winning stage-play, state-of-the-art video and mobile games from Portkey Games, innovative consumer products, thrilling live entertainment (including four theme park lands) and insightful exhibitions.
This expanding portfolio of Warner Bros. owned Wizarding World experiences also includes Harry Potter New York – a brand new flagship store, Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo, and the Platform 9 3⁄4 retail shops.
The Wizarding World continues to evolve to provide Harry Potter fans with fresh and exciting ways to engage. For the worldwide fan community, and for generations to come, it welcomes everyone in to explore and discover the magic for themselves.