Meeting The Beatles in India en format Blu-ray prochainement

Unobstructed view annonce pour le 25 juin 2024, le documentaire Meeting The Beatles in India en format Blu-ray. Il est réalisé par Paul Saltzman.

Une piste sonore anglaise sera disponible.

Le réalisateur canadien Paul Saltzman retourne au ashram du Maharishi Mahesh Yogi en Inde où, cinquante ans plus tôt, il avait eu la chance de fraterniser avec les membres des Beatles, alors en pleine composition des chansons qui apparaîtront sur le mythique White Album.

Voici la bande-annonce :

Voici le communiqué (en anglais) :

Unobstructed View Announces
Meeting the Beatles in India
Coming to BLURAY
June 25, 2024

It’s 1968 and with the eyes of the world upon them, The Beatles traveled to Rishikesh, India, to study transendental meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Those few short weeks became one of the most prolific and creative periods of their lives, as they wrote 48 songs in approximately 48 days.

In this serene documentary, Canadian filmmaker Paul Saltzmanm recounts a spiritual journey for the ages, revealing how vital the exploration of our inner selves is for each and every one of us.

Narrated by Morgan Freeman, Saltzman weaves together archival material. including some stills and film footage never before seen by the public; along with interviews with long-time practitioner of transcendental meditation, film director David Lynch; Pattie Boyd; Jenny Boyd; pre-eminent Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn; Lewis Lapham; film composer Laurence Rosenthal, maestro Hariprasad Chaurasia; and the real ‘Bungalow Bill’.