Une première bande-annonce pour le jeu Pocky & Rocky Reshrined

Natsume Tengo Project ont dévoilés la bande-annonce de Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, mentionnant qu’il sera offert sur Ps4 et Nintendo Switch cet automne.
Un jeu 2D rappelant l’époque de la Super Nintendo, puisque le premier volet est paru sur cette dernière
Voici le communiqué (en anglais) :
Burlingame, CA., March 9, 2021 –NatsumeAtari Inc. and Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-friendly video games, today announced the official
title of the upcoming Pocky & Rocky sequel, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, in a colorful trailer that is reminiscent of the original SNES game that launched almost thirty years
ago. Pocky & Rocky Reshrined will launch on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined is a multi-directional scrolling shooter in the classic 16-bit style with improved graphics, sound, and fun! The adventures of Pocky and Rocky
begin again! It’s the third installment in the original shrine maiden shooting series. The new game is being developed by the original development team, Tengo Project.
Pocky & Rocky follows the adventures of a young Shinto shrine maiden named Pocky and her companion, Rocky the raccoon, as they attempt to save a group of creatures
known as the Nopino Goblins. Gameplay takes place from a top-down perspective and features both single-player and cooperative modes.
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined is a sequel to Pocky & Rocky, known in Japan as the actionshooting game series Kiki Kaikai, which first appeared as an arcade game from TAITO
Corporation in 1986 and is being developed under license from TAITO Corporation.